With our years of experience in researching municipal issued code violations, open or expired permits and city fines we have gathered all the information and contacts needed to resolve the issues before or after lien has been placed on your property.

We can help you with most if not all issues related to our findings from the municipal lien search report. If NOT resolved, all items reported on your Municipal Lien Search Report will be subject to a municipal lien even after the property is sold, which means that any financial matters and/or unbilled balances will be transferred to the new owner.

Not knowing or understanding the process to tackle and resolve the above issues often lead to delaying your closing, killing your deal or more importantly losing a valued client.

Regardless of the complexity of your particular issue we have the experience and contacts including: General Contractors, Engineers, Architects and even retired field inspectors to help us resolve any issues from not cutting your grass violations to constructing without proper permits violations. Let us be your support in resolving the issues in a timely and effective manner.

Eliminating your liability and getting your real-estate deal closed free and clear of any municipal encumbrances has been our goal since 2004!
